Free Currency Widgets

Free Currency Widgets

We offer you and your business powerful and easy-to-use solutions in the form of financial instruments for free, without compromises and trial periods. With our powerful and beautiful widgets you can attract more traffic on your website. Our HTML-widgets it’s very simple for embeds — just one tag.

Active installations:

UPTIME →100.00%


Currency Converter
Exchange rates ~195 currencies

The Exchange rates for more than ~195 currencies, including bids for gold, silver, platinum end etc;

Flexible settings and responsive design

You can customize the style of the widget to your site in a few clicks.

We're use CDN

Your users will receive the widget quickly anywhere in the world.


Available in 67 languages with support text direction.


You will not hurt your promotion, because you only use secure JavaScript with one HTML tag.

Reactive properties

You can change attributes and parameters of the widget (via JS or hands) and instantly see the changes without refresh.

PageSpeed Insights tested 100%

We made sure that our widget doesn't slow down your website/blog. You can check our widget and see for yourself.

Processed on a 3rd-party server

We want our widgets to be able to use any website/blog loadless. Therefore, all data is processed on third-party servers. On your website, users getting the finished product.


No registration, no subscriptions and other barriers. Free for you and your website/blog.

SSL support

Our HTTP(S) connection is secure.

💱 Currency Converter Widget

The Currency Converter Widget is a free and easy-to-use with beauty UI real-time web tool to conversion any two currency. Customers can choose from available ~195 currencies, include precious metals.

Special features
  • ⚡ Real-time currency converter;
  • 🤑 The client chooses any currency;

🚀 WordPress Plugin


💲 Exchange Rates Widget

The Exchange Rates Widget is a free and easy-to-use with beauty UI web tool to display exchange rates with indicators of change rates for 24 hours.

Special features
  • 🎨 Minimal design;
  • ↩️ Inverse rate is supported;


💱 Currency Converter Widget PRO

The Currency Converter Widget PRO is a free and easy-to-use with beauty UI extended version of Currency Converter widget, that can multiple currencies real-time calculation and which has all the features of a classic widget.

Special features
  • ⚡ Real-time currency converter;
  • 🤑 The client chooses any currency;
  • 💶 Multi-currency support;

🚀 WordPress Plugin


💲 Exchange Rates Widget PRO

The Exchange Rates widget PRO is a free and easy-to-use with beauty UI extended version of Exchange Rates widget, with user entry amount, adding tax/percentage to the calculations and which has all the features of a classic widget.

Special features
  • ⚡ Real-time currency converter;
  • ➕ Adding percent/tax;
  • 🔢 Amount input;
  • ↩️ Inverse rate is supported;
